The Power Of Protein

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you are hungry an hour after eating a meal and sometimes you aren’t?  Well I have, and you know what the difference is?….PROTEIN!  Science tells us that eating high quality protein will improve satiety, help manage weight loss, and even assist in preventing chronic diseases!
We have all heard conflicting opinions about protein.  Some diet trends encourage increased protein consumption while others believe that we don’t need a lot.  It’s not uncommon to hear a nutritionist say, “My way is the only way!”  However, nutrition is not so black and white.  We’re all different and we need to see what works best for our bodies and lifestyles.
That said, I do believe a certain amount of protein is key.   Protein is a powerhouse nutrient and needs to be part of our diet at some level.  In addition to controlling appetite, it helps keep our metabolism revved up, builds stronger bones, keeps our blood sugar in check, and helps build, maintain and repair muscles.
So…  Should we be concerned about how much protein we’re getting?  YES!  Too little protein can cause sugar and sweet cravings, fatigue, feeling weak, anemia, and change in hair color and texture of skin (ugh).  But too much protein can cause low energy, constipation, dehydration, weight gain, lethargy, halitosis, and give us that tight, stiff feeling in our joints (double ugh!).
So how much protein is enough?
Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in our bodies.  It is a part of every cell, tissue, and organ.  The amount of protein we need depends of course on our activity level, body weight, gender, and health and fitness goals.  For example, the more active we are, the more protein we need.  And the older we are, the more protein we need.
I advocate for 20-30% of our total calories coming from protein.  The best way to get protein is from animal sources like eggs, poultry, fish and grass-fed beef.  Vegans and vegetarians may find meeting their protein quota a bit more challenging, but there are plenty of plant-based high protein foods such as quinoa, legumes, nuts, and seeds.  Hemp and chia are also excellent sources of protein.
To get the optimal amount of protein, a moderate amount at every meal should be consumed.  For the average adult, this translates to approximately 20-30 grams of protein at each meal.  You should also include a couple of smaller protein-packed snacks in between meals, such as nuts and seeds.
I know you’re asking yourself:  what the heck does 20-30 grams of protein look like?
Here are some examples of foods with approximately 30 grams of protein:

  • 4 oz. of grilled chicken, wild salmon or grass-fed beef (about the size of an iPhone J)
  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt with almonds and hemp seeds
  • ¾ block of tofu or 6 ounces of tempeh
  • 1 cup of kidney beans or lentils with ½ cup quinoa

Of course, if you‘re on the run and don't have time for a balanced meal, then a protein shake is a great alternative. Just be careful with all the stuff you’re adding in!    
If you’re looking for protein bars, stay away from those glorified candy bars masquerading as protein bars!  Make sure your bars have around 20 grams of protein and less then 10 grams of sugar.  As I always tell my clients, READ INGREDIENTS!!  And look out for items you can’t pronounce, fake sugars, and bars with multiple “natural sweeteners”. 
Whether it’s chicken or fish, quinoa or tempeh, I promise:  you will see the benefits!
What’s your favorite protein? 
Let me know how you are doing.  I would love to hear from you!

Rise And Dine!

This blog is for all my breakfast skippers out there:  do you want to maintain a healthy, happy weight your entire life?  Hmmm…..Yes please!  Then it’s easy:  begin – literally – by eating a healthy breakfast! 

We’ve all heard our mothers and grandmothers lecture us on how breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Well, my friends, I'm here to tell you that grandma was right, as always!
Thanks to several studies on the subject, below are just a few of the well-known benefits a healthy breakfast can give us:
Speeds up metabolism:  Starting our day with a healthy breakfast wakes up the metabolic process and who doesn’t want that? Our bodies burn calories while digesting food – this way, when we eat our oatmeal in the morning, we can burn calories through digestion and boost our metabolism. 
Aids in weight loss and maintenance:  One weight loss study found that the men and women in the control group lost 30-300 pounds and maintained this loss for over five years.  And guess what the common denominator was?  You got it:  78% of this group ate breakfast everyday.  Many of us think skipping breakfast is a great way to save on calorie consumption.  But by skipping breakfast, we aren’t boosting our metabolism – we become like a car that’s idling… and not going anywhere.  We need to fuel our bodies with food!   
No more overeating:  Eating breakfast keeps us satiated so that, when it’s lunchtime, we aren’t starving.  When we skip breakfast, we end up hungrier at lunch, which we all know can result in overeating.  We may think, since we skipped breakfast, we can have a larger lunch – but the problem is, the amount of calories we consume at lunch is more than we would have if we’d eaten that healthy breakfast!   
Grazing is good: Eating smaller, more frequent meals are better than having fewer, larger ones.  This way we keep burning energy while digesting our food!
Increased memory retention:  Eating breakfast is likely to improve cognitive function related to memory and test grades.  In other words, eating breakfast is a smart move! 
Healthier overall diet:  Many of you may be saying, “but I’m never hungry in the morning” or “all I need is coffee.”   Try having a morning snack, such as an apple with almond butter or some healthy trail mix. This will help kick-start your metabolism and you can then have a bigger “breakfast” later when you arehungrier.   When we eat breakfast regularly, we get more nutrients into our diet.  There are so many yummy healthy choices to include in breakfast that are loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as whole grains, fruit, and lean proteins!  
If you’re still not entirely convinced, just try drinking a smoothie in the morning.  Even this small change will make a difference and I promise you will see the benefits.

Don’t know what to eat for breakfast? Here are some of my faves:
Cereal breakfast

  • ½ cup of steel cut oats
  • ½ cup berries
  • 2 teaspoons almond butter

 Eggs breakfast

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 slice whole grain toast (I like Ezekiel toast) w/ avocado
  • ¼ cup berries


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 cup frozen berries
  • 2 teaspoons almond butter
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds


Finally this:  if you don’t have time in the morning, try waking up a bit earlier.  Eating breakfast is good for your health and worth setting that alarm!
What do you like to eat for breakfast? Please share your favorites, I’d love to hear from you!
Rise and Dine!



Kicking the Can!

Ok,...Today’s blog is for all of you out there who are still drinking diet soda (you know who your are!).  I just have this to say to you:  put that glass/can/bottle down!!
Good News... I’m going to help you kick this dangerous habit.   
Many of us use diet sodas to satisfy hunger cravings, recharge our batteries, and as an aid for weight loss. We consume diet drinks when searching for that sweet taste without the extra sugar and calories.
What you may not realize is that drinking diet soda causes us to have MORE sugar cravings and increases our caloric intake throughout the day! Yup.  We gain absolutely nothing from drinking diet soda – and that’s the good news.
The fact is, you’re actually causing harm to your body and putting yourself at risk for some serious illnesses!  Here are just a few:
Cancer:  There’s been a lot of research done on the link between artificial sweeteners and a heightened risk of cancer – obviously the concern is there, why risk drinking it?
Weight Gain:  I know what you’re thinking – how can I gain weight from drinking something with zero calories?  Well you can and you will!  Research has proven that people who drink diet soda daily are more likely to gain weight than those who don't.  We tend to crave sugar and eat more as a result from the intake of artificial sweeteners.
Diabetes:  In one study, drinking diet soda daily was associated with a 67% greater risk of developing type 2 Diabetes.  Plus, diet soda drinkers have a 36% greater risk of developing metabolic syndrome, which includes elevated blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol, and an increased waistline!  Who wants that?
Heart disease:  OK, so if cancer, weight gain, and diabetes aren’t enough to make you kick that can, than maybe this will:  there was a study done that followed 2,500 New Yorkers who drank diet soda every day and these people had a 61% higher risk of a stroke or a heart attack than those who did not drink diet soda.
Ask yourself:  Why do I drink diet soda?  Is it to give me that caffeine boost?  Maybe I like those fizzy bubbles?   Understanding why it's a staple in your diet can assist in helping you find ways to decrease your intake by replacing it with healthier choices.
If you’re looking to cut back or cut it out altogether, below are some of my favorite healthy alternatives.  It may be tough in the beginning, but if you stick it out, your taste buds will adjust and you’ll start seeing (and feeling!) the benefits from eliminating these chemicals from your body:

Flavor-infused all natural seltzer or sparkling water:  a great substitute.  When purchasing just be sure the only ingredients are carbonated water and natural flavor.
Fancy H2O:  try adding wedges of lemon, lime, a slice of orange or pineapple, or a sprig or two of mint – yum! 
Sparkling water:  throw in a splash of your favorite 100% fruit juice and you’ve got a soda that’s refreshing and healthy!
Brewed iced tea:  replace the caffeine in your Diet Coke with a healthier option like green tea, black tea, or coffee.  If you need to add sweetness, go the natural route and try small amounts of raw sugar or honey.
Finally this:  don’t rush the process!  Cut back on your consumption of diet soda slowly by reducing intake a small amount each day.  Start to incorporate some of these healthier alternatives and your body will thank you. 
Ditching diet sodas can be the gateway to adding more healthy habits into your life as well,  so next time you reach for that diet soda… reach past it to the healthier choice!
Let me know how you are doing.  I would love to hear from you.

Eating For Energy!

We all know food is energy – our bodies need fuel to run. But one mistake we make when trying to acquire energy is too often what we use as fuel.

Imagine what life would be like with an abundance of energy and vitality – the foodswe choose to eat and the life style choices we make can insure we have this in our lives!

I’ve done some research and below are my personal favorites for ways to recharge our bodies and get that zing back into life:


1.     Drink Water! I know you hear this a lot, but the truth is most of us are chronically dehydrated.  So before reaching for that cup of coffee or diet coke, have a glass of water and wait to see what happens.  I guarantee you’ll feel more energized!


2.     Eat your veggies!  OK, it’s not rocket science, but know this:  greens are loaded with vitamins and nutrients.  They improve circulation, strengthen our immune system, purify our blood and – wait for it – lift our sprits!  So instead of reaching for that slice of pizza when you’re feeling sluggish, make a yummy green salad and celebrate that spring – a glorious time of renewal and refreshment – is at last in the air!


3.     Put down that coffee cup! Caffeine contributes to dehydration and fluctuations in blood sugar, which can lead to crankiness and – counter-intuitively, I know – a lack of steam (which, c’mon, is why we’re slugging it down in the first place!).


4.     Lets get physical!  Simple activities like walking to work instead of riding and taking the stairs instead of the elevator will contribute to an increased energy level all day long.


5.     Indulge in healthy sweets!  Sounds like an oxymoron, but healthy sweets are out there and they’re great.  I’m not talking about artificial sweeteners – forget those.  But if you have a sweet tooth, use gentle sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, or stevia.  And try eating sweet veggies like carrots, beets or yams.


6.     Rest!  When we’re tired or stressed our body craves energy. This is often a result of a lack of sleep, going to bed late, or waking up too early on a regular basis.  Try getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night – it can increase your energy 10-fold!


7.     Keep track of animal protein.  Eating too much – or not enough – meat, chicken, dairy, and eggs can affect our energy level. Be open to experimenting what works for you and, above all, respect your body’s individuality!


8.     Get Spiritual!  We’re all essentially spiritual beings, so look for ways to get in touch with your spiritual core.  Whether through meditating, yoga, painting, going to your favorite place of worship, or just being in nature, the results are tangible – and rejuvenating.  Namaste!


9.     Take care of you! With our busy lives, many of us put ourselves at the bottom of the list. Well, we’re no good to anyone else if we can’t keep ourselves healthy!  Explore activities you enjoy that help restore your energy.  Maybe it’s going for a walk, or taking a bath, maybe it’s going to a movie or lying in a hammock!  Whatever it is, try to schedule a date with yourself weekly – we know you deserve it.


10.  Lose those toxic relationships! We’re all sadly familiar with this one.  Some people just drain our energy (you thought of someone just now, didn’t you?).  So let’s try transforming those toxic relationships by communicating better, setting boundaries, or… just ending them!

if you find yourself struggling to get going in the morning, or if you tend to hit a wall of exhaustion in the afternoon, try some of these tips.  I promise they’ll have a profound effect on your energy levels, your moods, and your productivity.


Let me know how you are doing.  I would love to hear from you!


What Are You Craving?

Remember that day you were eating just right, feeling so good about yourself?  And then, boom!  Before you can say cheese dip, you’re inhaling those potato chips you hid so high up in your pantry, you could get a nose bleed just retrieving them.  And those chocolate chip cookies even your kids don’t want?  Down the hatch!  Lets not forget the leftover candy from that Bar Mitzvah your son went to the night before! Poof!

We try our best to stay strong…. but more often than not, we find ourselves succumbing.

Fear no more!  It’s time we stop viewing cravings as a weakness and start seeing them as important messages from our body to help us maintain balance. 


There are some important root causes to cravings, so the next time we experience one, we need to analyze it and – once addressed – we can dominate it.  We simply have to ask ourselves:  what does my body want… and why?

Of course there are the obvious reasons we suddenly crave something: hunger, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, and hormones are the common ones.  But there are other, not so obvious causes – and I’ve listed them below.  When we learn what they are, this knowledge will aid us in regaining the power to control them!

Water, Water, Water

Our body is made up of mostly water and we need to be keeping it well hydrated throughout the day.  If we’re not drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, the body can interpret that dehydration as hunger.  So the first thing we need to do when we get a craving is drink a full glass of water!  Then wait a couple of minutes and suddenly that Krispy Kreme doesn’t look so appealing anymore – we just needed to be hydrated. 

Lets Do Lunch

Eating that healthy leafy salad at lunch is the smartest choice, right?  Think again.  A green salad for lunch will only fill you up for a few hours, so by 4PM (the Witching Hour as I call it), we start losing energy and focus – and we begin crashing. Nine times out of ten, that’s exactly when we’ll reach for those sugary snacks versus a healthy one. 

Next time, try eating a bit more for lunch – and add protein, whole grains and lots of veggies.  Take note of how you feel for the rest of the day.  I promise you’ll have more energy and those afternoon cravings will abate.

 Moody Blues

Stressed at work? Bad break-up? Unfriended on Facebook? Any one of these emotions can lead us straight to a pound Swedish Fish.  Food cravings don’t last a long time, so – before you reach for the Ben and Jerry’s – take a couple of deep breaths.  If you can stop what you’re doing, next choose an activity that will boost your mood, like taking a walk to get some fresh air.  This will help alleviate the stress occurring in your body and mind and provide satisfaction, as the cravings pass.

Feed Me!

If we don’t fuel our body with important macronutrients – protein, fat. whole grains, and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) – we may experience some strange cravings.  For example, low mineral levels can make us yearn for salty foods. And not enough healthy fats in our diet can lead us to reach for those unhealthy fats found in cheese, French fries, and ice cream.  BTW, “good” fats are essential to keeping us healthy, lucid, and energetic – in addition to helping us lose weight!  So next time you get a craving for a fatty food, choose foods loaded with good fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and coconut oils.  Plus, if dairy isn’t an issue for you, choose a Greek yogurt containing at least 2% fat! 

The bottom line is this:  we need to listen to our body! Joshua Rosenthal from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition says that our body doesn’t make mistakes:  it is a super computer. 

The more knowledgeable we are about our cravings, the less often they’ll occur – and, if they do, the less often we’ll give into them!  I’m not saying we can’t indulge every so often – we gotta live a little – but the key here is to indulge in them less often

Having the tools to understand why we get our cravings leads to our ability to control them.  And this is wonderfully beneficial to our health and wellbeing in the long run!

Let me know how you are doing.  I would love to here from you.





A Label Good Enough To Eat?

Has anyone noticed that deciphering a label on a can of soup can be more stressful than listening to a Republican debate?  Words like “natural,” “free-range,” and “organic” seem to be slapped on everything from brownie mixes to brown rice.  We rely on these food labels to help us make informed choices – but are these claims really telling us the truth?

I’ve come to learn that there are food companies that will do anything to make their products more appealing! Buyers beware:  labels can be very deceiving!  

It’s up to us, as consumers, to make sense of all these claims we see on food products, so I’ve investigated some very common words manufacturers slap onto their labels to entice you to buy.  

Here’s the lowdown:


USDA requires meat, poultry and eggs can be labeled “natural” if they’ve been minimally processed and contain no artificial ingredients.  There are, however, no standards regarding how these animals were raised.  So “natural” foods are not necessarily sustainable, organic, or free of hormones and antibiotics!


OK, this should be easy:  cage-free means that birds were raised without cages, right?  Well, what it doesn’t say is whether these birds were raised on a pasture… or inside some overcrowded factory.  If you’re looking to buy eggs, meat, or poultry actually raised “cage free” outdoors, then look for a label that reads “pastured” or “pasture-raised.”  FYI pasture-raised eggs are more nutritionally dense than conventional eggs because the hens consume a natural diet.


Organic-labeled food is supposed to be produced without pesticides or chemical additives – but we already know labels can be deceptive.  When purchasing organic products, look for the USDA Certified Organic Label, which means that it’s 95-99% organic.  And if you want to buy products that have absolutely no harmful pesticides, look for the “100% USDA Certified Organic” label.


GMO’s are genetically modified organisms, which are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals – YUCK!  If you’re concerned about GMO’s (which you should be!), look for the “Non GMO Project” label to ensure it’s free of all genetically modified ingredients.  If something is labeled 100% Certified Organic, it also means that it’s free of GMO’s, too.


USDA defines “free range” as birds that have access to the outdoors so they can engage in natural behaviors.  Labeling something “free range,” however, doesn’t mean they are antibiotic-free or that the fowl spent the majority of their time outdoors!


Grass-fed animals are fed grass rather then grains.  Grass-fed meat is leaner and lower in fat and calories then grain-fed meat.  A grass-fed label, however, doesn’t mean the animal ate grass its entire life!  If you’re concerned about buying only grass-fed meat, look for the USDA “100% Grass-Fed” stamp to ensure that you are getting the safest and cleanest product.


Also be wary of the following labels manufacturers can put on their products.  These stamps require no verification and there are currently no definitions or industry standards that companies have to meet in order to use these stamps on their products. They can use these following labels to attract consumers and should not be trusted!


·      Cage-Free (see above)

·      Cruelty Free

·      Environmentally Friendly

·      No Chemicals

·      Vegetarian Fed.


Feel better?  Me neither!  These are just some of the food labels out there – there are many, many more. Some are more reliable than others, but most… are not!

The bottom line here is that, if you’re not sure about certain claims on the label of a product you’re buying… stop!  Do your research.  It’s worth it because remember:  you’re honest about your health needs, but big corporations… are not!

Let me know if you have any label questions, I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Shopping!

Give Me Strength!

How do you spend most of your time at the gym: doing cardio or strength training?  My guess would be cardio because it burns more calories on a minute-by-minute basis.  But is cardio really the way to go on a daily basis? 

Spinning, running, and walking are all important to up our heart rate and keep those calories burning.  However, there comes a time when doing too much cardio isn’t necessarily a good thing!

The fact is, you may see diminishing results with too much cardio because it requires you to increasingly do more if you want to continue to see results.  In addition, you can reduce muscle mass, as well as have a higher probability of sore joints.

Sound familiar?  If strength training isn’t part of your workout routine, consider incorporating it.  Strength training is an excellent complement to cardiovascular exercise and here’s why:

 1.     Strength training increases our metabolism.  It’s true!  Strength training will help increase and maintain muscle mass, which helps boost our metabolism.  And a boosted metabolism is key to helping us lose weight and stay in shape!

2.     Strength training burns fat.  Increasing lean muscle mass contributes to weight loss.  Lean muscle burns more calories than body fat, so the greater the muscle mass, the more fat burned. Sounds pretty good to me!

3.     You’ll look better in clothes and swim suits!   Cardio may help burn calories, but strength training is what changes the composition of our bodies.  To get that toned look, strength training needs to be incorporated into our workouts.  Toning is just another word for muscle!

4.     Strength training burns calories more efficiently.  As I stated earlier, even though minute-by-minute, cardio burns more calories, once we’re off that treadmill or elliptical, the calorie burn ceases.  With strength training, it might not feel like we’re working so hard (we don’t drip sweat the way we do in cardio!), but the fact is, now we continue to burn calories 24-48 hours after our workout: sign me up!

5.     Strength training increases bone density.  Strength training is great for protecting our bones.  As we age, we lose bone density, so this type of exercise is crucial.  By stressing our bones, we increase our bone density – and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 

In addition to strength training, I also highly recommend circuit training.  Circuit training is basically the same as strength training, but with one essential difference: the concentration is on endurance.  We do similar exercises, but with very little rest between sets.  This keeps our heart rates elevated and burns even more calories than traditional strength training!

We need both cardio training and strength training, so before you freeze your membership at your favorite spin studio or sell your treadmill, just remember that what’s important here is incorporating strength training into your established routine.  I promise it will help you achieve the results you are looking for….. Long term! 

Let me know how are are doing, I'd love to hear from you!

Now drop and give me 20!

Come To Bed....

Sleep:  We all need it, we all crave it – but with our busy lives (kids, work, social media, and let’s not forget Netflix!) who has time? 

You may hear people say “no rest for the weary” or “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” but those clichés couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Depriving ourselves of sleep not only makes us tired and cranky, but we’re compromising our health.  Without the proper amount of sleep (7-9 hours for adults and 9-12 hours for children), we are literally making ourselves sick!

And skimping on sleep contributes to weight gain because when we’re tired, we crave sugar and high calorie carbs and we lose our impulse control. 

There’s more:  sleep deprivation is linked to an increase in heart disease and diabetes and – if all this doesn’t make you crawl under the covers – it speeds up the aging process as well as impairing our thought processes, memory, concentration and judgment! 

Let’s face it:  sleeping is as vital as eating healthy and exercising – getting a good night’s rest is the best anti-aging, brain boosting, healthy body treatment we can give ourselves. 

To get quality zzzzz’s, we need to practice good habits.  Below are some of my favs:

Sayonara to screens! We’ve all heard this before, but we really need to put our iPhones, tablets, and laptops away at bedtime.  The light from these screens can interfere with sleep and body rhythms.  

Shut it off!  You may think watching TV at night is a way of winding down: wrong!  TV stimulates the mind.  Turn off the TV and read an actual book (or listen to an audio book).  All your shows are On Demand, I promise! 

Avoid alcohol before bed!  While I enjoy a glass of wine (or 2) in the evening to wind down from the day, alcohol interferes with your sleep cycle.  So even if it helps us fall asleep… it wakes us up in the middle of the night! Many of us have been there, I’m sure!  So have that wine or cocktail earlier in the evening several hours before you go to bed.

Cut back on caffeine!  Caffeine affects our sleep patterns for 10-12 hours after drinking it.  I know!  Try eliminating that after-lunch coffee or just consider cutting back on caffeine all together – it will make a difference!

Nighttime rituals are essential!  Establish a bedtime routine, whatever it may be.  Rituals slow our minds down, reduce anxiety and get us ready for sleep.  And strive for consistency – going to sleep the same time every night is key to developing healthy sleep patterns.

Get your room ready for sleep!  A change in our sleep environment makes a huge difference to the quality of our sleep.  So keep noises down, the room dark and cool, and your bed comfy and cozy. 

OK, are you ready?  Start tonight!  Put down that iPhone, turn off the TV, and stop browsing social media.  Dim the lights, take a few deep breaths, quiet the mind, and… come to bed. 

Let me know how you are doing.  Would love to hear from you.

Sweet dreams!






When was the last time you cleaned out your pantry?  Today is a better day than ever to start fresh.  Our meals can only be as healthy as the foods that we have in our kitchen!  Keeping a stocked pantry with wholesome, shelf-stable ingredients is essential when preparing meals.

Below are some of my favorite food swaps you can make when cleaning out your pantry. 

Filling your cupboards with these suggestions will go a long way to delivering big, healthy benefits to you and your family!

White Rice is processed and stripped of almost all its vitamins, iron and fiber, but quinoa is loaded with fiber. Unlike rice, it’s a complete protein!  Add it to soups or salads, or have it on its own with some veggies (I love sautéed spinach and mushrooms in mine – yummy!) or just eat it alone, you can’t go wrong with quinoa.

Not only do Panko breadcrumbs contain more fiber than regular breadcrumbs, they contain half the calories, too.  Panko breadcrumbs are coarser than traditional breadcrumbs, which means you won’t have to fry your chicken or fish in oil to get that crunchy coating – you can put them in the oven!   Even if you decide to fry them, these breadcrumbs will absorb less oil and fat than the regular kind. 

I love chocolate!  But even when we’re on a diet, this yummy sweet treat does not have to be off limits – when baking, try using cocao nibs instead of chocolate chips. They contain no sugar, have more than 5 times the fiber of regular chocolate chips, and they’re delicious!

When making cookies, cakes or anything else with flour, try substituting whole-wheat flour instead.  It has more fiber than regular white flour, regulates blood sugar, and has more nutrients than white flour does – and I promise, you won’t taste the difference! 

Let’s face it: salt is an essential part of life – we need it to survive.  But table salt is processed and, as a result, many important minerals are removed.  While table salt is 99% sodium chloride, pink salt is said to be the purest salt on earth.  It’s 85% sodium chloride and the rest is made up of over 80 minerals.  These minerals can help remove toxins, balance your PH levels, aid in absorbing nutrients, and more! You can use pink salt in all your cooking.  Bonus?  It’s pretty too!

Processed peanut butter contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and added sugar. Almond butter is rich in heart-healthy fats and has more fiber than peanut butter. When purchasing almond butter, try to buy ones that aren’t processed or contain additives.  Choose the ones that are made from nuts alone!
In addition to these swaps, when stocking your pantry, you should always look for food items that list no more than 5 ingredients on their labels.  They will be less likely to have preservatives and added salt, sugar, or chemicals.  And remember this:  if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it!  Look for foods with ingredients that sound like they came from the earth rather than a laboratory – keep it simple.
So don’t put off until spring to do your spring cleaning!  Clean out your closets and then fill them up again with healthy, nutrient-rich foods – foods that will allow you to make healthier meals for you and your family. 
Let me know how you are doing, I’d love to hear from you!








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Living in NYC, a big part of my social life is meeting friends and going out for dinner.  One of the biggest challenges, I face, and many clients also face is what to order and how to order at a restaurant.

Although cooking at home is always the best bet.  Don’t fret!  If you are like me and love to eat out…here are some helpful tips that can help you the next time you are dining out.


1.     MORE VEGGIES PLEASE!  I have noticed that a side of vegetables at restaurants is more like a garnish these days.   When ordering, as for more veggies,  even offer to pay more…many times they wont even charge you.  Eating more veggies will get you full…not fat!

2.     HAVE IT YOUR WAY – Grilled not fried, steamed not sautéed.  Less oil please, vegetables instead of fries.  Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want the way you want it. 

3.     ASK HOW THE FOOD IS PREPARED.  Excuse me Sir, but is that fish made with butter or oil?  Olive oil or vegetable oil?  Don’t be afraid to ask these questions.  It is important to know what you are putting into your body.  Even though a restaurant may offer a “lighter Fare” – that doesn’t always mean what its advertising.

4.     DOUBLE THE APPS.  I find that many times, I like the appetizer options better than the dinner entrée choices.   They are lighter and tastier – Tuna tartar for example maybe my favorite appetizer.  I love it so much I often order a double portion as my dinner and have a small green salad for my app – couldn’t be happier :)!  

5.  SALAD TO START.     I suggest ordering a green salad before your entrée.  Salads are nutritious and filling.  You will end up eating less calories overall.  Make sure the salad has dark leafy greens with some good veggies in it…and be careful of the dressing you choose.   Which leads me to my next suggestion…

6.     ON THE SIDE! Dressings, sauces, etc.…I always find that restaurants load up on the dressing and the sauces.  Asking for those things on the side gives you the option of putting on exactly as much as you think you need with out over doing it.

7.  SURF THE WEB.    Check menu online before you leave for dinner.  I started doing this, especially when I would go to a new restaurant and sometimes find there is nothing on the menu to eat.  Investigating where you eat before you go can save you a headache and calories, just saying!

8.     DRINK WATER – drink water throughout your meal – will help you slow down your eating and enjoy your food more.  We should be drinking water always, btw!

9.     DON’T GO TO DINNER STARVING! Enjoy a protein rich snack before eating out.  Will help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent you from over eating.  

10.  DON’T BE AFRAID TO ORDER DESSERT!  Opt for sharing desserts or choose a lower calorie dessert like sorbet or non-dairy gelato.  I always have a sweet tooth, but instead of ordering the crème brulee I will get an almond milk or a skim milk cappuccino or latte, and I always opt for the berries – they are sweet, satisfying and super nutritious.

So the next time you are making reservations for dinner – don’t worry!  You can always find healthier ways of eating even though you aren’t cooking it yourself.


Bon Appetit!  Let me know how you are doing, I would love to hear from you.