Just "D" It!


We all hear a lot about supplements:  what to take, what not to take, do they work, don’t they work – it can be overwhelming! 
In my opinion, the way to get the most nutrients is through the food we eat – whole foods that aren’t processed or refined such as, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats…all containing high levels of nutrients.    
Of course, in a perfect world we would all eat the exact type and amount of food to give us the precise amount of nutrients our bodies need for optimal health. But we know that the world isn’t perfect and this is not always a realistic goal. 
Nutrients in food work differently than nutrients in supplements, but there are occasions where a supplement can be beneficial.  Think of it as “insurance” for a healthy diet!  If you think that your lifestyle, taste in food, energy level, and/or priorities make it challenging for you to get all the nutrition you need through your diet, then I have to admit:  some supplementation is going to be appropriate for you.
I recommend a variety of supplements to my clients depending on their needs and routines; however today I want to talk about the one supplement I think is truly important – and not easily attainable due to our lifestyles and diet.  And this Super Vitamin is…
In my opinion, D is the Rock Star of Supplements and totally worthy of the buzz it’s been attracting.  D is a fat-soluble nutrient that plays a key role in almost all our physiological functions.  It's the only vitamin that our body makes itself – and is actually a hormone!
There are 2 types of Vitamin D:  D2 and D3.  Both offer benefits, but Vitamin D3 is more readily absorbed and utilized by our bodies, proving to be more effective than D2. 
Benefits include:

  • Absorption of calcium
  • Maintenance of healthy bones and teeth
  • Prevention against osteoporosis
  • Assistance in immunity, cell growth, and fetal development
  • The reduction in risks of certain cancers
  • An aid in combating depression

 Unfortunately there are only a few sources of Vitamin D and most are avoided unintentionally.

Let the Sun Shine In.  Exposing our bodies to sunlight is the simplest way to get Vitamin D (our bodies makes it naturally).  However, the amount of sun we need to meet our Vitamin D requirements vary widely, depending on our location, time of day, skin type, air pollution, body parts exposed, age, and lifestyle.  And many of us stay out of the sun due to the risk of skin cancer.  
Food for Thought.  We can find Vitamin D in fortified foods such as dairy, cereals, and some grain products.  We can also find Vitamin D naturally in whole foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, cod liver oil, and beef liver.
Some of my friends are vegan and, if you are, too, the above whole food suggestions are not options.  Just know that – regarding fortified foods – many of these items have been processed and can contain different ingredients, additives, preservatives, and pesticides (yuck!).    If you must substitute in a processed food item, just make sure at least it’s organic!
Ingesting a supplement is a great way to ensure we get the adequate amounts of Vitamin D we need.   It’s easy and removes the guesswork.   When purchasing Vitamin D supplements, just make sure that is D3, not D2. 
The bottom line here is that, if you want to THRIVE and live life to your highest health potential, D3 is the nutrient you need to consider as part of your daily routine.
How much sunlight are you getting everyday?  How much Vitamin D is in your diet naturally?  Take stock and remember to include this “sunshine vitamin” in your diet either through supplements or your food intake – or both!
What supplements do you take?
Let me know how you are doing. I would love to hear from you!